Friday, January 20, 2012

Journal #25 - Fear

I feel like we have talked about fear and things like in the last couple of journals. Well, for starters I hate fear. Fear is one of those things that really usually it is all in your mind. Like after you watch a scary movie and then that night you feel scared because all of that is in your mind, when in reality, you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of whatsoever. However, there are many things that I am afraid of and those things are not all in my mind. For example, I am terrified of alligators! I don't know what it is about them, but they just scare me a lot. I think it might be that they look like mini dinosaurs or something, and also the fact that if you ever fell in that swampy water, you would be done for because who knows what could be swimming under you. I have actually had nightmares about that before. Now, I think I am more afraid of alligators than I am of sharks, but sharks are not my favorite either. I think its the fact that in water, you really don't stand a chance against them and you are totally vulnerable. Spiders are another thing. Actually, I'm not really scared of them at all. But if one is on me or something, I totally freak out! The small ones don't bother me, but those big, creepy hairy ones really creep me out big time! I think in general, bugs really creep me out...except for inch worms, they are pretty cute. Most of the things that I am afraid of are things that I really don't stand a chance against, like alligators or sharks. But other than that, I am not afraid of that many things. All in all, I think actual fear is very much in your head and even though it is hard not to be scared sometimes, most of the time, we have no reason to be.

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