Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Journal #21 - Snowy Scene

Unfortunately, we did not have a white Christmas this year, which did in fact bum me out. Even though I absolutely Christmas and nothing could really ruin it for me, I have to admit that snow just makes Christmas seem even more magical than it already is. I can recall of another time though. There is nothing better than waking up at 6:30 in the morning and looking out your window to see if there is any possibility of not going to school that day. If you feel that the chances are good, you run up to your parents room to watch the news, anxiously waiting to see the little words at the bottom of the screen. When you first see the words you have so anxiously been waiting for, suddenly its like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Most of the time I end up crawling back into my warm comfy bed and drift back of to sleep. After getting a couple more hours of sleep, you are ready for a great day of watching movies and snuggling up with a soothing cup of hot chocolate. However, that usually comes after playing in the snow. You start by putting on your snow pants, gloves, and hat and finally top it off with your big winter coat. As you open the door to the winter wonderland, you can feel the slight crisp wind on your face. The snow looks so clean and fresh, I almost don't want to step in it. But of course I go ahead and step on the powdery snow and under me it makes a soft crunching sound. I look around and notice how the snow has quietly placed itself on top of the tree limbs and occasionally, there will be a few animal or bird prints pressed into it. I'm not sure why snow seems to be so magical, but it just is. I hope it snows this year because what is winter without a little snow?

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