Friday, January 13, 2012

Journal #23 - Scary Stories

I do not watch many scary movies. I like to watch them, but when night time comes around and its time to go to bed, all of the things that I saw just pop back into my mind, and I get a little freaked out, so I don't like to watch them a lot. But sometimes it isn't even the story that freaks me out, normally its all of the little techniques that make a movie seem much scarier than it really is. For example, one of the things that can often scare you is the loud random noises that make you jump. It will be completely silent, and in your mind you just know that something is about to happen and it will probably end up scaring you. But somehow, you are just never quite prepared and you jump right out of your seat. Then, at night when you decide to go to bed and it is all quite in your room, you feel like something will happen, like in the movies, but it never does. Another technique that scary movies often use is their choice of music. If there is not dead silence, then there tends to be scary music playing in the background. Now, I don't know about any of you. but for me, the music is everything. Music can make you feel really any emotion, and when there is scary music in the movie, it makes it seem way more scarier than if a happy tune was playing. One other technique is the use of day and night. Everything scary usually happens at night, because that tends to be a time when we feel vulnerable and unsure of what we think may be lurking in the dark. So, overall, most of the time the actual movie is not even scary, but by using all of these techniques, it can make the movie much more interesting and intense.

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