Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal #17 - Bonding with Nature

I think that I have bonded with nature more times than I think I have. When I first think of bonding with nature, I tend to think of things like Native Americans and how they lived off of the earth and things like that. Now I realize that people do not really live that way anymore so sometimes I think it can be hard to bond with nature, at least in that way. But then I started thinking about more of the little things that I do sometimes. For example, there have been many times that I look out of my window and see the sun setting, making orange and pink streaks across my floor. I look at things like that and think about how cool and wonderful they are. Another example would be the sunrise. Now, to be honest, I have not seen the sunrise too many times, just because I rarely get up that early, but the few times that I have seen it, it is often indescribable. One time when I was at camp in North Carolina, our group decided to wake up at four in the morning and look out over the mountains to see the sunrise. At first, I was reluctant to go due to lack of sleep, but in the end, I am so glad that I decided to go! As the sun slowly came up above the purplish blue mountains, the sky lit up and became also a beautiful kind of periwinkle color. I think that is a really good example of how I bonded with nature because it was just one of those moments when you feel so small because of the giant mountains surrounding you, but at the same time you feel so powerful because you climbed all the way and got to see such a thing. So, even though I feel like I do not give a lot of credit to nature all of the time like the natives did, I still feel like you can bond with nature by just appreciating it for what it is.

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