Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Journal #11 - Aphorism

As our Glencoe Literature book defines it, an aphorism is a "short, pointed statement that expresses a wise or clever observation about human experience." I am sure that there are many aphorisms that can relate to something in my life, but the one aphorism that comes to mind is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson states, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." It is funny that we have to write about this topic today I feel that this quote just recently is now relating to my life a little. Just the other day I was talking about college and school in general with my parents. I was all down and out because it seems like all of my friends make really good grades without even trying that hard and already know kind of what they want to do after high school. I, myself, absolutely have no idea and my grades are only okay. My dad brought up a really good point though. He said that no matter what I decide to do, I should always do it with a good attitude and do that job to the best of my ability. This quote by Emerson talks about exactly that. You could be the smartest person in the world, and could go far, but if you so not have a good attitude and do your job well, people are not going to take you seriously. Many bosses and people in general notice when you have a good attitude and a good work ethic, and that can help you work your way up the career "ladder." Having a good attitude is not always easy to have, but it is good to know that just by being a good person, can affect the way your life turns out. Of course I will continue to work on my grades, but I will also try to remember to have a good attitude whether I am working really hard on school, or working a job, or just hanging out. So, that is how the quote, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," relates to my life and is a very good aphorism.

"Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved without Enthusiasm. by Ralph Waldo Emerson."Quotations, Famous Quotes at Quote World. Web. 11 Oct. 2011. .

Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., and Douglas Fisher. Glencoe Literature. New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2009. Print.

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