Monday, February 13, 2012

Blog #5 - "And Ain't I a Woman?"

The speech "And Ain't I a Woman?" is by a lady named Sojourner Truth. I really liked her speech and I think she makes some really good points. This speech was considered to be her most famous. It is a really powerful speech, which is probably why it is one of her most famous. I think it is also very popular because many other women can relate to what she is talking about as well. In this speech Sojourner Truth talks about how women do not have as many rights as men during this time. Even though, many like Sojourner Truth worked just as hard. For example, she explains in her speech,"And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man--when could get to it--and bear the lash as well and ain't I a woman?" (Truth).In this statement, she is basically talking about how she has worked just as hard as a man, and can also eat like a man, but she does not have the same rights as them, and is not as respected as they are either. She also makes some other very good points in her speech.

The very first part of her speech, she starts out by saying, " That man over there say a woman needs to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helped me into carriages or over mud puddles or gives me a best place. . ." (Truth). I think that some of her speech is about women in general, but this statement however, really has to do with race. She talks about how a man thinks that a woman should be helped and somewhat "respected", but Sojourner Truth says that she has never been helped over a mud puddle. This is because black women were not always treated the same as white women. I really enjoyed this speech and she sounds like a very smart lady.

"Sojourner Truth's Aint I a Woman Speech!" Women Writers: A Zine. Web. 13 Feb. 2012

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